Instant Change Tubes (Mini Silk Cylinder 6") by Ickle Pickle - Tricks

  • Shipping Weight: 0.46 lbs


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This is a small version of the classic Crystal Silk Cylinder. Show a transparent tube empty, and place an item inside. Cover it with a second tube, and cover those with yet a third tube. Say the magic words, and voila! The tube's contents have now changed into something else!

This really looks great, and will leave your audience scratching their heads in wonder!

Our 2.0 metal line is made of better material, by better tooling, with greater strength and more consistent wall thickness than ever before.

This product was added to our catalog on Monday 27 November, 2017.

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Instant Change Tubes (Mini Silk Cylinder 6") by Ickle Pickle - Tricks

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Good packing and fast delivery. Will trade with TMS again. :D Clap Clap


I have bought from the magicstreet 5 times and without fail, they always get the products to me in superb condition. POSITIVES -SUPERB QUALITY...

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tqsm . coin bite beautiful quality .

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